Russia talks about a new truce in Aleppo

Russia talks about a new truce in Aleppo
Every now and then, Russia announces before the whole world a sudden truce in Syria. Sometimes the truce is for hours and sometimes one or two days or it could be not specified in time or place.

Russia, however, always violates its own announcement of such truces and its warplanes starts bombing residential areas in Syria causing more massacres and destruction.

A new Russian trick:

AFP reported that Russia said on Thursday, August 19 it was ready to halt fire for 48-hour periods in Aleppo from next week, following UN calls to extend humanitarian pauses to deliver aid.

"Russia’s defense ministry is ready to support the proposal by UN envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura regarding the introduction of weekly 48-hour ’humanitarian pauses’ (in Aleppo)," defense ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in a statement.

De Mistura had insisted on a 48-hour halt, saying the logistics along mined and destroyed roads made access impossible in just three hours and endangered aid workers.

The special envoy welcomed Russia’s support for his plan and called for urgent action, Reuters says.

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