Baghdad forces battle ISIS to recapture west Mosul

Baghdad forces battle ISIS to recapture west Mosul
The battle between US-backed Baghdad forces and ISIS obscured west Mosul skyline on Monday (March 13), with bombings resulting in black clouds billowing over built up neighborhoods.

The Baghdad forces, who have already recaptured the east of the city, face increasingly stiff resistance as they advance deeper into western Mosul, with the the terrorists using mortar and sniper fire to try to hold off the offensive to drive them out of their last major stronghold in the country.

ISIS’ tactics, which include taking cover among the civilian population, have also slowed advances in some areas, the closer the battle gets to the more crowded city centre.

The fight has taken its toll of dead and wounded on Baghdad soldiers, special forces and police units. The military has not published the number of its own casualties.

The head of Baghdad’s elite Counter Terrorism Service told Reuters that his forces aim to dislodge ISIS terrorists from west Mosul within a month.

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