Amid shortages in gas, electricity, Assad parliament speaker criticizes Facebook campaigns

Amid shortages in gas, electricity, Assad parliament speaker criticizes Facebook campaigns
The Assad regime speaker, Hamodeh al-Sabbagh, said that the Facebook campaign which criticize the Assad regime amid the sharp shortages in gas and electrify worsened the situation on the ground. 

In the opening session of the parliament, al-Sabbagh said that the government will surely explain the conditions which caused the shortages in the power resources in the Assad areas.

He added that the Facebook campaigns increased in the last days and these campaigns are administrated from outside by Syrian by treacherous Syrians and infiltrators.

Assad activist (Shabihas) said they are not infiltrators or treacherous people and that the speaker had to tender his resignation within a week.

It is worth to note that a number of Assad actors and dramatists sent messages to the head of the regime, Bashar Assad, telling him to address the dire conditions of Syrians who are living in the Assad regime-areas as they do not find a gas pipe to make a cup of tea.  

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